• Date of event:Mar 10, 2025
  • Time of event:8:30am - 1:15pm
  • Location:
    Building C, Room 210
Recent dates
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Applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) to a range of research areas including healthcare, education, robotics and STEAM

Workshop Overview:

I-DISC is hosting a half-day workshop to bring together faculty from across the university interested in the application of Large Language Models (LLMS) to a range of research areas including healthcare, education, robotics and STEAM. Join the discussion to learn more about LLMs, share your own experiences, and build connections with colleagues from across the university that are using LLMs for diverse applications. 


08:30AMLight breakfast available
9:00AMWelcome and Opening Remarks
9:10AMLLMs for Mental Health & Education, 
Presentation by Mooi Choo Chuah, Computer Science & Engineering, RCEAS 
9:30AMBias Salience: A Strategy for Improving Trust and Adoption of Medical AI
Presentation by Rebecca Wang, Marketing, COB
9:45AMLLMs for Political Science & Biomedical Applications, 
Presentation by Lichao Sun, Computer Science & Engineering, RCEAS  
10:15AMRound 1: Small Group Discussions (4 Groups*)
11:00AMSummary of Round 1 Discussions
11:25AMShort Break
11:30AMRound 2: Small Group Discussions (4 Groups*)
12:15PMSummary of Round 2 Discussions & Working Lunch
 1:00PMNext Step Planning
 1:15PMWorkshop Ends

Group 1: LLMs for Healthcare
Group 2: LLMs for Education
Group 3: LLMs for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
Group 4: LLMs for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathemaics (STEAM)