I-DISC will coordinate friendly reviews by peer faculty members, to support proposal development. I-DISC will be responsible for identifying appropriate reviewers. This initiative was started in 2023, and to date, 14 I-DISC faculty members have been part of the friendly peer review process reviewing 5 proposal.

Friendly proposal reviews by I-DISC peers
- Reviewer(s) will provide feedback on communication and “story” (Less feedback on content)
- Submit your request as soon as possible and at least 2-weeks out once you know when a near-complete draft will be ready
- Provide the exact date on which you will be submitting your draft for review
- I-DISC will find 2–3 reviewers who can schedule their review availability in the time frame you propose
- Each reviewer expected to spend 2–3 hours reading and commenting on proposal
- Expect ~48 hour turnaround time after the draft proposal has been submitted
Participation is voluntary
- We might ask any I-DISC member to be a reviewer
- You can say no! (But not too many times, or you won’t be able to request reviews!)
How to get involved
- The PI should complete this FORM >>. Request should be made at least 2 weeks out from the date you expect the near-complete draft will be ready. The content of the form will be kept confidential by the I-DISC leadership and administration, and shared only with candidate reviewers
- The I-DISC leadership will identify potential reviewers by reading the details of the proposal on the form. The contents of the form will be shared with potential reviewers.
- Once the requested number of reviewers agrees to provide a review, the I-DISC leadership will collect all the necessary material from the proposing team and send it to the recruited reviewer(s).
- The I-DISC administration will send reminders to the reviewers to ensure that the review is completed within the expected time frame.
- The I-DISC administration will share with the proposing team the results of the review, without disclosing the name(s) of the reviewer(s).
I just wanted to give you an update about the NSF proposal that I-DISC gratefully supported with guidance, friendly peer reviews, and editing. The proposal is titled AerialHitches: Forming and Controlling Hitches for Fully Autonomous Transportation Using Aerial Robots with Cables by Subhrajit (in cc) and I. The great news is that the project was successfully funded. This award is an important milestone and we deeply appreciate your support.
David Saldaña, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering