I-DISC has grown to include 119 affiliated Lehigh University faculty members, from all five colleges, representing an extremely diverse range of academic disciplines. To help foster a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration, research and proposals, the institute offers a number of supportive services to its members.

Teaming & Grant Proposal Development

Teaming & Grant Proposal Development

I-DISC will support a research group to host a team building, seminar or workshop event to foster collaboration for future grant proposal development aligned to I-DISC's mission to promote research in areas related to data, intelligent systems, and computation & interdisciplinary collaborative research.
Please complete a request form and a member of the I-DISC Leadership Team will contact you to discuss further.

I-DISC Fellows Service

Looking for help with the data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, or computing part of your research?
See how an I-DISC Fellow can help you >
Request I-DISC Fellow Services >

Undergraduate Research Support

I-DISC is offering support for faculty to include undergraduates in research
Learn more about how I-DISC has helped support UG Research > 
Now accepting requests for Fall 2024 Semester Request support for UG Research >

I-DISC Repository

I-DISC has built up a comprehensive library of presentations and other materials from workshops and events they have hosted since the inception of the institute in 2019
View archived presentations and other materials >