How to Develop and Write Successful Team Proposals

This workshop was held Friday, October 28, 2022
Hosted by Lucy Deckard, Academic Research Funding Strategies

Workshop Presentation 

Grant Writing & Strategy for Large Proposals

Here are the materials provided by Jen Salazar during the I-DISC Grant Writing Development Workshop Series that took place in Fall Semester 2021. This workshop series aimed to help equip I-DISC members and research focus groups with the tools to compete for these large external funding opportunities.


NSF Proposal Template - format only

Facility Plan

As each area is so different in terms of facilities it is difficult to provide a “standard template”. ORSP recommends that each faculty member participate in writing what facilities they have, and then have 1 person put it together and make it flow. Example 1: Physical Example: Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources at Lehigh: (word docx)

Postdoc Mentoring

Example 1: Career Counseling; Research Supervision & Mentoring; Publication & Grant Proposals; and Meetings & Presentations  (word docx)

Example 2: Plan using guidance of National Academics of Science & Technology - includes similar topic areas as example 1 in addition to Professional Experiences & Networking Opportunities and  Technology Transfer (word docx)

Data Management Plans


Example 1: DMP that confirms to and goes beyond the NSF Data Managemnt Regulations - DMP Text courtesy of Prof. J. Agar (redacted)

Example 2: DMP - Expected Data; Public Release Authorization; Data Format; and Period of Data Retention, Dissemination & Preservation