How to Develop and Write Successful Team Proposals
This workshop was held Friday, October 28, 2022
Hosted by Lucy Deckard, Academic Research Funding Strategies
Workshop Presentation
Materials from the Large Teams Workshop
Grant Writing & Strategy for Large Proposals
Here are the materials provided by Jen Salazar during the I-DISC Grant Writing Development Workshop Series that took place in Fall Semester 2021. This workshop series aimed to help equip I-DISC members and research focus groups with the tools to compete for these large external funding opportunities.
NSF Proposal Template - format only
Facility Plan
As each area is so different in terms of facilities it is difficult to provide a “standard template”. ORSP recommends that each faculty member participate in writing what facilities they have, and then have 1 person put it together and make it flow. Example 1: Physical Example: Facilities, Equipment & Other Resources at Lehigh: (word docx)
Postdoc Mentoring
Example 1: Career Counseling; Research Supervision & Mentoring; Publication & Grant Proposals; and Meetings & Presentations (word docx)
Example 2: Plan using guidance of National Academics of Science & Technology - includes similar topic areas as example 1 in addition to Professional Experiences & Networking Opportunities and Technology Transfer (word docx)
Data Management Plans
Example 1: DMP that confirms to and goes beyond the NSF Data Managemnt Regulations - DMP Text courtesy of Prof. J. Agar (redacted)
Example 2: DMP - Expected Data; Public Release Authorization; Data Format; and Period of Data Retention, Dissemination & Preservation