This is an edited of the original Newsletter to include contributed articles only
Directors' Note

I-DISC welcomes new Associate Director, Professor Mooi Choo Chuah, to the Leadership Team.
I-DISC is thrilled to welcome Professor Mooi Choo Chuah as our new Associate Director. Mooi Choo's research interests include perception systems for autonomous vehicles, cloud/edge computing, network and cyber physical system security, resilient Smart Grid control networks, healthcare data mining, and computer/mobile vision. She previously served as Associate Chair of the Computer Science and Engineering department. Mooi Choo brings to I-DISC a significant track record in receiving external research funding, as well as a dedication to teaching and mentoring students. Larry Snyder (Director), Kate Arrington (Associate Director), and Sarah Wing (Administrative Specialist) are delighted to have Mooi Choo join us on the I-DISC leadership team.
Research Highlights

Interdisciplinary team examines social media’s role in framing facts, influencing behavior during COVID-19 pandemic
A team of Lehigh researchers recently won a $1.2M NSF grant. Under the grant, Lehigh computer science and engineering researchers will work with journalism and humanities experts to better understand how online media shapes perceptions and actions to help improve communication in future global crises.This interdisciplinary group includes I-DISC faculty members Eric Baumer and Dominic DiFranzo from Computer Science and Engineering; and Haiyan Jia from Journalism. Read FULL ARTICLE posted on RCEAS Website >>

$1M NSF grant funds Lehigh cross-disciplinary team converging on pandemic prediction and prevention research
Experts in engineering, biology, data science, and cognitive psychology team up with Lehigh’s Institute for Indigenous Studies to examine spread of disease in marginalized communities and build groundbreaking forecasting and diagnostic tools. Imagine if researchers could predict the spread of a pandemic like they can the evolution of a hurricane. With the right data, they could help people stay out of harm’s way. Harnessing that ability is the bold vision of a multidisciplinary team of Lehigh researchers.
Read story by Christine Fennessy, RCEAS. Read full article >>